I've been flat out buisy with work the last few weeks . So buisy that I haven't had time to build my chop. So here are some bike porn.
Above is a photo Capt Buggernuts took whilst tripping over to Germany with our good mate Baggystench . It was taken in L & L choppers in Holland.
This is a cool Sporty with a very short Exausty.
This GTX built by a fella on Facebook ( I can't find his name right now but when I do I'll pass it on as he's pretty bloody good )
Found it.
Roel sheffers ( Sheffers Enginereing. )
An finally bellow . My chop.
My engineere friend finished moving the sprocket carrier inboard . So this weekend I fixed the rear wheel in place and worked out the chain offset( 1 3/4 " ) and iced the mudguard in place. Now I can get on with the rest as I can check that I don't put stuff in the way of the chain.